RÅÑmŧÇript v2.1 ©RANMA'97 - HELP INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS Create a directory called RS where to put all files you downloaded. Copy mirc4.7 in that directrory then load (if necessary) aliases.ini in the aliases menu, popups.ini in the popups menu, users.ini in the remote menu (users), commands.ini always in the remote (commands section), do the same with the events.ini file (load in the eventrs section) and that's it. Please always check internal list and listening swithces are enabled. SCRIPT SPECIFICATIONS In my script everything (almost) can be done with popups. Check them out (especially on the nicknames list on channels). To have a look of what else you can do just go in the aliases menu and check the other commands. ALIASES COMMANDS (note: things in [] are optional) /op nick1 nick2 nick3 gives op /dop nick1 nick2 nick3 guess what? /j nameofachannel joins the channel /part nameofachannel [PART MESSAGE] parts from the channel writing the message /ping nick does a ctcp ping pressing f1 says hallo to everyone /or to request op status /sa nick smart way to say hallo to someone /sm kisses /wal operator notice /smile guess!! pressing F2 says thanx for the op status /ver tells everybody you're using RÅÑmŧÇript v2.1 pressing f3 says RANMA ½ pressing f4 says you're chatting and don't like new queries /e text says what typed using a different font /numbers shows how many users and how many ops are on the channel /rules notice to all channel the RULES of the channel Check also in the RÅÑmŧÇript menu which switches are enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS make sure your FLOOD PROTECTION is ON!!!!! To make things easier just go to the GENERAL OPTIONS, then PERFORM and edit the ON CONNECT commands, writing /flood on (and whatever you want). Wait for new versions...will be soon released... Thanks For using my script!!!!!! See ya on the IRC !! RANMA_1\2 Ranma will not be responsible for the use you make of this script... E-mail me at mattdad@mbox.vol.it or look for RANMA_1\2 on the IRCnet (usually on #italia) This script is dedicated to AKANE TENDO :))) VERSION NOTE 2.1 Added Hatelist and Takeover list - new war features - Mass kicks and mass deops 2.0 Added Self Ban protect and some new kicks just for fun - some small war options 1.3 Added Master user control - masskick and massdeop protection. Bugs corrected 1.2 Added Friendlist - New flood protection (channel and ctcp). 1.1 Added Channel flood protection (first version) © NOTICE Please spread RÅÑmŧÇript if you like, but DON'T MODIFY it. You CANNOT use RÅÑmŧÇript as an add on to your personal script, but you can STUDY (NOT COPY!) it for learning how to write one yourself. Thanx. THANX to WILM (of the LUV script) for the coding of the best msskick I've ever seen